sizeValueMapper property
Field in the data source, which is considered as size of the bubble for all the data points.
Note: This is applicable only for bubble series.
Defaults to null
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return SfCartesianChart(
series: <BubbleSeries<BubbleColors, num>>[
BubbleSeries<BubbleColors, num>(
dataSource: chartData,
sizeValueMapper: (BubbleColors sales, _) => sales.bubbleSize,
final List<BubbleColors> chartData = <BubbleColors>[
BubbleColors(92.2, 7.8, 1.347),
BubbleColors(74, 6.5, 1.241),
BubbleColors(90.4, 6.0, 0.238),
BubbleColors(99.4, 2.2, 0.197),
class BubbleColors {
BubbleColors(this.year, this.growth,[this.bubbleSize]);
final num year;
final num growth;
final num bubbleSize;
final ChartIndexedValueMapper<num>? sizeValueMapper;