onDragEnd property
Called when the dragging appointment is dropped in the SfCalendar.
The callback arguments contains the dropped appointment, dropping time, source and target resource details.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: SfCalendar(
view: CalendarView.month,
showWeekNumber: true,
allowDragAndDrop: true,
dragAndDropSettings: DragAndDropSettings(
allowNavigation: true,
allowScroll: true,
autoNavigateDelay: Duration(seconds: 1),
indicatorTimeFormat: 'HH:mm a',
showTimeIndicator: true,
onDragEnd: (AppointmentDragEndDetails details) {
dynamic appointment = details.appointment!;
CalendarResource? sourceResource = details.sourceResource;
CalendarResource? targetResource = details.targetResource;
DateTime? draggingTime = details.droppingTime;
final AppointmentDragEndCallback? onDragEnd;