getOccurrenceAppointment method
Returns the occurrence appointment for the given pattern appointment at the specified date.
If there is no appointment occurring on the date specified, null is returned.
patternAppointment - required - The pattern appointment is the start appointment in a recurrence series from which the occurrence appointments are cloned with pattern appointment characteristics.
date - required - The date on which the occurrence appointment is requested.
See also:
- Appointment, the object to hold the data for the event in the calendar.
- getVisibleAppointments, which allows to get the appointment collection between the given date range.
- getPatternAppointment, which allows to get the pattern appointment of the given occurrence appointment in calendar.
- SfCalendar.getRecurrenceDateTimeCollection, which used to get the recurrence date time collection for the given recurrence rule.
class MyAppState extends State<MyApp>{
late CalendarController _calendarController;
late _AppointmentDataSource _dataSource;
late Appointment recurrenceApp;
_calendarController = CalendarController();
_dataSource = _getCalendarDataSource();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: SfCalendar(
view: CalendarView.month,
controller: _calendarController,
dataSource: _dataSource,
initialDisplayDate: DateTime(2020,11,27,9),
onTap: (CalendarTapDetails details) {
final DateTime? date =;
final Appointment? occurrenceAppointment =
recurrenceApp, date!, '');
_AppointmentDataSource _getCalendarDataSource() {
final List<Appointment> appointments = <Appointment>[];
recurrenceApp = Appointment(
startTime: DateTime(2020,11,27,9),
endTime: DateTime(2020,11,27,9).add(const Duration(hours: 2)),
subject: 'Meeting',
color: Colors.cyanAccent,
startTimeZone: '',
endTimeZone: '',
recurrenceRule: 'FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=2;COUNT=5',
startTime: DateTime(2020,11,28,5),
endTime: DateTime(2020,11,30,7),
subject: 'Discussion',
color: Colors.orangeAccent,
startTimeZone: '',
endTimeZone: '',
isAllDay: true
return _AppointmentDataSource(appointments);
class _AppointmentDataSource extends CalendarDataSource {
_AppointmentDataSource(List<Appointment> source){
appointments = source;
Appointment? getOccurrenceAppointment(
Object? patternAppointment, DateTime date, String calendarTimeZone) {
if (patternAppointment == null) {
return null;
final List<dynamic> patternAppointmentColl = <dynamic>[patternAppointment];
final List<CalendarAppointment> patternAppointments =
this, calendarTimeZone, patternAppointmentColl);
final CalendarAppointment patternCalendarAppointment =
if (patternCalendarAppointment.recurrenceRule == null ||
patternCalendarAppointment.recurrenceRule!.isEmpty) {
return null;
} else if (CalendarViewHelper.isDateInDateCollection(
patternCalendarAppointment.recurrenceExceptionDates, date)) {
final List<CalendarAppointment> dataSourceAppointments =
this, calendarTimeZone);
for (int i = 0; i < dataSourceAppointments.length; i++) {
final CalendarAppointment dataSourceAppointment =
if ( ==
dataSourceAppointment.recurrenceId &&
(isSameDate(dataSourceAppointment.startTime, date))) {
return dataSourceAppointment.convertToCalendarAppointment();
} else {
final List<CalendarAppointment> occurrenceAppointments =
date, date, patternAppointments, calendarTimeZone, false,
canCreateNewAppointment: false);
if (occurrenceAppointments.isEmpty) {
return null;
return occurrenceAppointments[0].convertToCalendarAppointment();
return null;