autoNavigateDelay property

Duration autoNavigateDelay

The delay to hold the appointment on the view start or end position, to navigate to next or previous view.

See also:

  • allowViewNavigation, which allows to navigate to next or previous date when the dragging appointment reaches the start or end position of the view.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
    body: SfCalendar(
      view: CalendarView.month,
      showWeekNumber: true,
      allowDragAndDrop: true,
      dragAndDropSettings: DragAndDropSettings(
        allowNavigation: true,
        allowScroll: true,
        autoNavigateDelay: Duration(seconds: 1),
        indicatorTimeFormat: 'HH:mm a',
        showTimeIndicator: true,


final Duration autoNavigateDelay;