encoding property

DataMatrixEncoding encoding

Defines the encoding type for the DataMatrix code.

Multiple encoding modes are used to store different kinds of messages in DataMatrix barcode.

When the encoding type is DataMatrixEncoding.ascii, the codeword will be calculated as below,

Codeword = ASCII value + 1, where ASCII value ranges from 0 to 127.

When the encoding type is DataMatrixEncoding.base256, the first codeword will be calculated with the value 235 and the second code value is calculated as ASCII value - 127. The base256 value ranges from 128 to 255.

When the encoding type is DataMatrixEncoding.asciiNumeric, then the codeword will be calculated as below,

Codeword = numerical value pair + 130, where the numerical value pair will be like 00, 01, 02,.....99.

Defaults to DataMatrixEncoding.auto.

Also refer DataMatrixEncoding.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return Container(
       child: SfBarcodeGenerator(value:'123456',
       symbology: DataMatrix(
       encoding: DataMatrixEncoding.base256,


//            )));
/// ```dart
final DataMatrixEncoding encoding;