reg static method
Registers a new instance of SyncEaseLogic
If an instance with the same type is already registered, disposes the existing instance before registering the new instance.
static reg(SyncEaseLogic syncEaseLogic, {bool replace = true}) {
String typeKey = syncEaseLogic.runtimeType.toString();
if (Utils.registeredLogics[typeKey] != null && replace) {
"A new instance is registered. Disposing the existing instance.");
Utils.registeredLogics[typeKey] = syncEaseLogic;
syncEaseLogic.onRegistered(); // Initialize the logic instance
syncEaseLogic.successLog("Instance registered successfully.");
return Utils.registeredLogics[typeKey];
} else {
Utils.registeredLogics[typeKey] = syncEaseLogic;
syncEaseLogic.onRegistered(); // Initialize the logic instance
syncEaseLogic.infoLog("$typeKey is already registered ");
return Utils.registeredLogics[typeKey];