A Flutter package to fix horizontal scroll, which does not work on some (not-so) older windows devices with Synaptics TouchPads and Synaptics TouchPad Drivers.


  • Fixes Horizontal Scroll on windows devices with Synaptics TouchPads and Synaptics TouchPad Drivers.

Getting started

  • Add the package to pubspec.yaml file.
  • Run flutter pub get.
  • Import the package: import package:synaptics_driver_fix_windows.dart/synaptics_driver_fix_windows.dart;


  • Wrap the widget which you want to scroll horizontally like this:
    scrollController: horizontalScrollController,
    child: yourHorizontallyScrollableChild,

Additional information

If you experience any issues, please file those here on Github. If you want to contribute to this repo, open a PR on Github. If you want to view the API in detail, visit synaptics_driver_fix_windows on our website.

Also, We would really appreciate if you view our website and our apps.