whenIntSafe<T> function

T whenIntSafe<T>(
  1. int value,
  2. Map<int, ValueGetter<T>> conditionMap, {
  3. ValueGetter<T>? defaultValue,

English: Used to replace the switch method, because in some scenarios, an error warning of Case expressions must be constant;
If there is value in Map.keys of conditionMap, execute its corresponding ValueGetter method

中文: 用于取代switch方法,因为有些场景使用switch会出现Case expressions must be constant.的错误警告;


String status = whenInt<String>(1, {
  1: () {
    return "good";
  1 + 1: () {
    return "nice";
  int.parse("3"): () {
    return "better";


T whenIntSafe<T>(int value, Map<int, ValueGetter<T>> conditionMap,
    {ValueGetter<T>? defaultValue}) {
  return (conditionMap[value] ?? defaultValue)!.call();