Swipe Widget

A Flutter Widget to make your widgets swipe to the sides.


  • Your widget will be draggable with a smooth animation.
  • When dragging to the sides and releasing, the widget will swipe away if it passes a certain threshold.
  • You can set actions for swipe, left and right, and to when the distance changes.
  • You can customize how it reacts when dragged, parameters are available when creating the widget.

Getting started

Install it using pub:

flutter pub add swipe_widget

And import the package:

import 'package:swipe_widget/swipe_widget.dart';


It's as simple as:

    child: <widget>

If you want to add funcionalities you can add Functions:

    onSwipe: () => print('Swiped!'),
    onSwipeLeft: () => print('Swiped left! I feel rejected...'),
    onSwipeRight: () => print('Swiped right!'),
    onUpdate: (distance) => print('The distance of the swipe is $distance (from 0 to 1)'),
    child: <widget>

You can change how the swipe should react:

    distance: 0.5,
    angle: 0.4,
    rotation: 25,
    scale: 1,
    dragStrenght: 0.5,
    child: <widget>
  • These properties are related to how far the widget is being dragged.
  • Distance is the threshold needed to take action when released. (Example: If it was 0.5, you would only need to drag half way and releasing, it would act like a full swipe)
  • Angle is in radians, while rotation is in degrees. (Angle has priority over rotation)


The widget code is available on Github: Flutter - SwipeWidget

Widget Preview

Example 1

SwipeWidget - Preview 1

Example 2

SwipeWidget - Preview 2

