Sweet Title

Create a beautiful titles with Sweet Title, you can have a title with or without a button.

How To Use


  • title - Set title for Sweet Title. required

  • horizontalPadding - set a padding horizontally around the widget. Default is: 20.0

  • titleMargin - EdgeInsets margin around the widget. Default is: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 20.0)

  • fontSize - font size of the title. Default is: 20.0


  • title - Set title for Sweet Title. required
  • buttonText - Button Text. required
  • buttonOnPressed - onPress function for the button. required
  • horizontalPadding - set a padding horizontally around the widget. Default is: 20.0
  • titleMargin - EdgeInsets margin around the widget. Default is: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 20.0)
  • buttonStyle - ElevatedButton Style.
  • buttonTextColor - color of the text inside ElevatedButton. required
  • fontSize - font size of the title. Default is: 20.0

Getting Started

Add the dependency in pubspec.yaml:



sweet_title:  ^0.0.3

Basic Usage

Adding the widget with Title Only

	title:  'Categories',

Adding the widget with Button

	title:  'Categories',
	buttonText:  'Explore',
	buttonTextColor:  Colors.black,
	buttonOnPressed: () {
		print('Explore button pressed');
	buttonStyle:  ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
	onPrimary: kPrimaryColor,
	textStyle:  TextStyle(
		fontSize:  15,
		color: kWhiteColor,
		fontWeight:  FontWeight.bold,
	primary: kTransparentColor,
	shadowColor: kTransparentColor,

