LoanCalculated class


LoanCalculated({num? monthlyPayment, num? monthlyPaymentRound, num? principalSavings, num? principalSavingsRound, num? interestSavings, num? interestSavingsRound, num? totalSavings, num? totalSavingsRound, num? totalSavingsPercentage, DurationDebtRelief? durationDebtRelief, num? daysDebtFree, num? originalMonthlyPayment, num? originalMonthlyPaymentRound, num? originalTotalInterestAmount, num? originalTotalInterestAmountRound, num? originalTotalPaymentAmount, num? originalTotalPaymentAmountRound, num? originalPaymentDays, List<MonthlyBurndown>? monthlyBurndown})
LoanCalculated.fromJson(dynamic json)


daysDebtFree num
no setter
debtFree num
no setter
debtFreeAsMonth bool
no setter
durationDebtRelief DurationDebtRelief?
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
interestSavings num?
no setter
interestSavingsRound num?
no setter
monthlyBurndown List<MonthlyBurndown>?
no setter
monthlyPayment num?
no setter
monthlyPaymentRound num?
no setter
monthsDebtFree num
no setter
originalLoanBalance double
no setter
originalMonthlyPayment num?
no setter
originalMonthlyPaymentRound num?
no setter
originalPaymentDays num?
no setter
originalTotalInterestAmount double
no setter
originalTotalInterestAmountRound num?
no setter
originalTotalPaymentAmount double
no setter
originalTotalPaymentAmountRound double
no setter
principalSavings num?
no setter
principalSavingsRound num?
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
totalSavings num
no setter
totalSavingsPercentage num?
no setter
totalSavingsRound num?
no setter
yearsDebtFree num
no setter


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.