Surav Usage Guide

This guide provides an overview of how to use the ApiRequest class and the SuravLocal class for making HTTP requests and managing local data storage in a Flutter application using the Dio package.

Table of Contents


To use the ApiRequest and SuravLocal classes, you need to include the following dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file:

  surav: ^0.0.15
    sdk: flutter

Run flutter pub get to install the dependencies.


Creating an ApiRequest

To create an instance of the ApiRequest class, you need to provide the URL and optional parameters such as method, body, options, and others.

ApiRequest request = ApiRequest(
  method: ApiMethod.POST,
  body: {'key': 'value'},
  showLogs: true, // Set to false to disable logging

Sending Requests

To send a request, use the send method. This method returns a Future<Response>.

Response response = await request.send();

Handling Responses

The send method returns a Dio Response object. You can handle the response as needed:

if (response.statusCode == 200) {
  // Handle success
} else {
  // Handle error
  print('Request failed with status: ${response.statusCode}');


Logging is handled by the Logger package. The logging behavior depends on the request method and whether logging is enabled.

  • GET requests: Informational logs
  • POST and DELETE requests: Warning logs
  • Other methods: Fatal logs

Logs include stack traces for better debugging.

SuravLocal Class

The SuravLocal class provides methods for managing local data storage using the shared_preferences package.

Setting Data

To set a value in local storage, use one of the following methods:

await SuravLocal.setString('key', 'value');
await SuravLocal.setBool('key', true);
await SuravLocal.setInt('key', 123);
await SuravLocal.setDouble('key', 123.45);
await SuravLocal.setStringList('key', ['value1', 'value2']);

Getting Data

To retrieve a value from local storage, use one of the following methods:

String? stringValue = await SuravLocal.getString('key');
bool? boolValue = await SuravLocal.getBool('key');
int? intValue = await SuravLocal.getInt('key');
double? doubleValue = await SuravLocal.getDouble('key');
List<String>? stringListValue = await SuravLocal.getStringList('key');

Clearing Data

To remove a specific value or clear all data from local storage, use the following methods:

await SuravLocal.remove('key');
await SuravLocal.clear();

Additional Functions


The packFormData function helps in packing data into a FormData object for multipart/form-data requests.

FormData formData = packFormData({
  'name': 'John Doe',
  'file': await addFormFile('/path/to/file'),


The addFormFile function helps in adding a file to the FormData.

MultipartFile file = await addFormFile('/path/to/file', filename: 'file.txt');