imeClientGetter function

DeltaTextInputClient imeClientGetter([
  1. Finder? finder

Provides access to an IME client, to simulate IME input within a test.

The given finder is used to locate the ImeInputOwner that should receive the simulated IME input. If no finder is provided, then the tree is searched for an ImeInputOwner. In that case, there must only be a single ImeInputOwner in the tree.


DeltaTextInputClient imeClientGetter([Finder? finder]) {
  if (finder == null) {
    // Check, specifically, for a SuperTextField because SuperTextField internally contains other
    // widgets that implement ImeInputOwner, so we have to manually disambiguate which one we want.
    final superTextFieldImeOwner = _getSuperTextFieldImeClient();
    if (superTextFieldImeOwner != null) {
      return superTextFieldImeOwner.imeClient;

  // There should only be one ImeInputOwner in the tree, or within the `finder`.
  // Find it and return its IME client.
  final element =
      (finder ?? find.byElementPredicate((element) => element is StatefulElement && element.state is ImeInputOwner))
          .single as StatefulElement;
  final owner = element.state as ImeInputOwner;
  return owner.imeClient;