doNothingWithEnterOnWeb function

ExecutionInstruction doNothingWithEnterOnWeb({
  1. required SuperEditorContext editContext,
  2. required KeyEvent keyEvent,


ExecutionInstruction doNothingWithEnterOnWeb({
  required SuperEditorContext editContext,
  required KeyEvent keyEvent,
}) {
  if (keyEvent is! KeyDownEvent && keyEvent is! KeyRepeatEvent) {
    return ExecutionInstruction.continueExecution;

  if (keyEvent.logicalKey != LogicalKeyboardKey.enter && keyEvent.logicalKey != LogicalKeyboardKey.numpadEnter) {
    return ExecutionInstruction.continueExecution;

  if (CurrentPlatform.isWeb) {
    // On web, pressing enter generates both a key event and a `TextInputAction.newline` action.
    // We handle the newline action and ignore the key event.
    // We return blocked so the OS can process it.
    return ExecutionInstruction.blocked;

  return ExecutionInstruction.continueExecution;