getSelectionBetween method

  1. @override
TextNodeSelection getSelectionBetween({
  1. required NodePosition basePosition,
  2. required NodePosition extentPosition,

Returns a NodeSelection within this component's DocumentNode that spans from basePosition to extentPosition.

Throws an exception if basePosition or extentPosition are incompatible with this component's node type.


TextNodeSelection getSelectionBetween({
  required NodePosition basePosition,
  required NodePosition extentPosition,
}) {
  if (basePosition is! TextNodePosition) {
    throw Exception('Expected a basePosition of type TextNodePosition but received: $basePosition');
  if (extentPosition is! TextNodePosition) {
    throw Exception('Expected an extentPosition of type TextNodePosition but received: $extentPosition');

  return TextNodeSelection(
    baseOffset: basePosition.offset,
    extentOffset: extentPosition.offset,