navBarHeroLaunchPadBuilder function
Widget navBarHeroLaunchPadBuilder(
BuildContext context,
Size heroSize,
Widget child,
) {
assert(child is TransitionableNavigationBar);
// Tree reshaping is fine here because the Heroes' child is always a
// _TransitionableNavigationBar which has a GlobalKey.
// Keeping the Hero subtree here is needed (instead of just swapping out the
// anchor nav bars for fixed size boxes during flights) because the nav bar
// and their specific component children may serve as anchor points again if
// another mid-transition flight diversion is triggered.
// This is ok performance-wise because static nav bars are generally cheap to
// build and layout but expensive to GPU render (due to clips and blurs) which
// we're skipping here.
return Visibility(
maintainSize: true,
maintainAnimation: true,
maintainState: true,
visible: false, // ModalRoute.of(context)!.isCurrent,
child: child,