Super Content Cache

A powerful Flutter package for caching content with tagging and metadata capabilities, utilizing flutter_cache_manager and shared_preferences under the hood.


  • Content Caching: Store and retrieve Map<String, dynamic> content against unique keys.
  • Metadata Storage: Associate an updatedOn date with each cached content item.
  • Tagging System: Assign a single tag to content keys for grouped cache management.
  • Cache Invalidation: Clear cache by key, tag, or entirely.
  • Configuration: Customize global cache duration, maximum number of cache objects, and cache key.
  • Platform Support: Works seamlessly on Android, iOS, and Web platforms.
  • Consistent API: Provides a uniform interface across platforms, abstracting away platform-specific differences.

Getting Started


Add super_content_cache to your project's pubspec.yaml file:

  super_content_cache: 0.0.1

Then, run:

flutter pub get


import 'package:super_content_cache/super_content_cache.dart';


Configure the Cache (Optional)

Before using the cache, you can configure it with optional parameters:

  • cacheKey: A unique identifier for your cache (useful if you have multiple caches or to avoid conflicts on the web).
  • globalCacheDuration: The default duration to keep content in the cache (default is 30 days).
  • maxObjects: The maximum number of objects to store in the cache (default is 200).
  cacheKey: 'superContentCache_myApp',
  globalCacheDuration: Duration(days: 7),
  maxObjects: 500,

Store Content

Store a Map<String, dynamic> against a key, with an optional tag and updatedOn date:

await SuperContentCache.storeContent(
  key: 'user_profile_123',
  content: {
    'name': 'John Doe',
    'age': 30,
  tag: 'user_profiles', // Optional

Retrieve Content

Retrieve the content associated with a key:

final content = await SuperContentCache.getContent('user_profile_123');
print('Content: $content');

Get updatedOn Date

Retrieve the updatedOn date for a key:

final updatedOn = await SuperContentCache.getUpdatedOn('user_profile_123');
print('Updated On: $updatedOn');

Clear Cache for a Specific Key

Clear the cache for a specific key:

await SuperContentCache.clearKey('user_profile_123');

Clear Cache for a Tag

Clear the cache for all keys associated with a tag:

await SuperContentCache.clearTag('user_profiles');

Clear All Cache

Clear all cached content and associated metadata:

await SuperContentCache.clearAll();

Example App

An example application demonstrating how to use the super_content_cache package is available in the example directory. It showcases:

  • Configuring the cache with a custom cacheKey.
  • Storing, updating, and retrieving content.
  • Clearing cache by key, tag, and entirely.

You can find the complete example in the example directory of the package.

Platform Considerations

Web Platform

  • Storage Mechanism: On the web, content is stored using SharedPreferences, which utilizes the browser's localStorage.
  • Data Persistence: Data persists across page reloads and browser sessions.
  • Storage Limitations: Browsers typically limit localStorage to around 5MB per origin. Be mindful of the data size when storing content.
  • Performance: Suitable for small to medium-sized data. Not ideal for large binary files or extensive data storage.

Mobile Platforms (Android & iOS)

  • Storage Mechanism: Uses flutter_cache_manager to store content in the app's local file system.
  • Data Persistence: Data persists as long as the app's cache is not cleared.
  • Capacity: Capable of handling larger amounts of data compared to SharedPreferences.
  • Performance: Efficient for storing and retrieving larger datasets.


  • Web Storage Quotas: Be aware of storage limitations on the web and handle potential QuotaExceededError exceptions.
  • Data Size: Ensure that the content size is appropriate for the storage mechanism on each platform.
  • Single Tag per Key: Each key can have only one associated tag.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please submit issues and pull requests on GitHub.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.