SupabaseClient constructor

  1. String supabaseUrl,
  2. String supabaseKey, {
  3. PostgrestClientOptions postgrestOptions = const PostgrestClientOptions(),
  4. AuthClientOptions authOptions = const AuthClientOptions(),
  5. StorageClientOptions storageOptions = const StorageClientOptions(),
  6. RealtimeClientOptions realtimeClientOptions = const RealtimeClientOptions(),
  7. Map<String, String>? headers,
  8. Client? httpClient,
  9. YAJsonIsolate? isolate,

Creates a Supabase client to interact with your Supabase instance.

supabaseUrl and supabaseKey can be found on your Supabase dashboard.

You can access none public schema by passing different schema.

Default headers can be overridden by specifying headers.

Custom http client can be used by passing httpClient parameter.

storageRetryAttempts specifies how many retry attempts there should be to upload a file to Supabase storage when failed due to network interruption.

realtimeClientOptions specifies different options you can pass to RealtimeClient.

Pass an instance of YAJsonIsolate to isolate to use your own persisted isolate instance. A new instance will be created if isolate is omitted.

Pass an instance of gotrueAsyncStorage and set the authFlowType to AuthFlowType.pkcein order to perform auth actions with pkce flow.


  String supabaseUrl,
  String supabaseKey, {
  PostgrestClientOptions postgrestOptions = const PostgrestClientOptions(),
  AuthClientOptions authOptions = const AuthClientOptions(),
  StorageClientOptions storageOptions = const StorageClientOptions(),
  RealtimeClientOptions realtimeClientOptions = const RealtimeClientOptions(),
  Map<String, String>? headers,
  Client? httpClient,
  YAJsonIsolate? isolate,
})  : _supabaseKey = supabaseKey,
      _restUrl = '$supabaseUrl/rest/v1',
      _realtimeUrl = '$supabaseUrl/realtime/v1'.replaceAll('http', 'ws'),
      _authUrl = '$supabaseUrl/auth/v1',
      _storageUrl = '$supabaseUrl/storage/v1',
      _functionsUrl = '$supabaseUrl/functions/v1',
      _postgrestOptions = postgrestOptions,
      _headers = {
        if (headers != null) ...headers
      _httpClient = httpClient,
      _isolate = isolate ?? (YAJsonIsolate()..initialize()) {
  auth = _initSupabaseAuthClient(
    autoRefreshToken: authOptions.autoRefreshToken,
    gotrueAsyncStorage: authOptions.pkceAsyncStorage,
    authFlowType: authOptions.authFlowType,
  _authHttpClient =
      AuthHttpClient(_supabaseKey, httpClient ?? Client(), auth);
  rest = _initRestClient();
  functions = _initFunctionsClient();
  storage = _initStorageClient(storageOptions.retryAttempts);
  realtime = _initRealtimeClient(options: realtimeClientOptions);