getSSOSignInUrl method

Future<String> getSSOSignInUrl({
  1. String? providerId,
  2. String? domain,
  3. String? redirectTo,
  4. String? captchaToken,

Obtains a URL to perform a single-sign on using an enterprise Identity Provider. The redirect URL is implementation and SSO protocol specific.

You can use it by providing a SSO domain. Typically you can extract this domain by asking users for their email address. If this domain is registered on the Auth instance the redirect will use that organization's currently active SSO Identity Provider for the login.

If you have built an organization-specific login page, you can use the organization's SSO Identity Provider UUID directly instead.


Future<String> getSSOSignInUrl({
  String? providerId,
  String? domain,
  String? redirectTo,
  String? captchaToken,
}) async {
    providerId != null || domain != null,
    'providerId or domain has to be provided.',

  String? codeChallenge;
  String? codeChallengeMethod;
  if (_flowType == AuthFlowType.pkce) {
    assert(_asyncStorage != null,
        'You need to provide asyncStorage to perform pkce flow.');
    final codeVerifier = generatePKCEVerifier();
    await _asyncStorage!.setItem(
        key: '${Constants.defaultStorageKey}-code-verifier',
        value: codeVerifier);
    codeChallenge = generatePKCEChallenge(codeVerifier);
    codeChallengeMethod = codeVerifier == codeChallenge ? 'plain' : 's256';

  final res = await _fetch.request('$_url/sso',,
      options: GotrueRequestOptions(
        body: {
          if (providerId != null) 'provider_id': providerId,
          if (domain != null) 'domain': domain,
          if (redirectTo != null) 'redirect_to': redirectTo,
          if (captchaToken != null)
            'gotrue_meta_security': {'captcha_token': captchaToken},
          'skip_http_redirect': true,
          'code_challenge': codeChallenge,
          'code_challenge_method': codeChallengeMethod,
        headers: _headers,

  return res['url'] as String;