flutter-auth-ui :iphone:
Email Auth
Use a SupaEmailAuth
widget to create an email and password signin/ signup form.
It also contains a button to toggle to display a forgot password form.
You can pass metadataFields
to add additional fields to the signup form to pass as metadata to Supabase.
You need to setup deep links in your app to if you have enabled email confirmation. Learn more about deep links on the supabase_flutter README.
// Create a Email sign-in/sign-up form
redirectTo: kIsWeb ? null : 'io.mydomain.myapp://callback',
onSignInComplete: (response) {
// do something, for example: navigate('home');
onSignUpComplete: (response) {
// do something, for example: navigate("wait_for_email");
metadataFields: [
// Creates an additional TextField for string metadata, for example:
// {'username': 'exampleUsername'}
prefixIcon: const Icon(Icons.person),
label: 'Username',
key: 'username',
validator: (val) {
if (val == null || val.isEmpty) {
return 'Please enter something';
return null;
// Creates a CheckboxListTile for boolean metadata, for example:
// {'marketing_consent': true}
label: 'I wish to receive marketing emails',
key: 'marketing_consent',
checkboxPosition: ListTileControlAffinity.leading,
// Supports interactive text. Fields can be marked as required, blocking form
// submission unless the checkbox is checked.
key: 'terms_agreement',
isRequired: true,
checkboxPosition: ListTileControlAffinity.leading,
richLabelSpans: [
const TextSpan(
text: 'I have read and agree to the '),
text: 'Terms and Conditions',
style: const TextStyle(
color: Colors.blue,
recognizer: TapGestureRecognizer()
..onTap = () {
// do something, for example: navigate("terms_and_conditions");
// Or use some other custom widget.
Magic Link Auth
Use SupaMagicAuth
widget to create a magic link signIn form. You need to setup deep links in your app to use magic link. Learn more about deep links on the supabase_flutter README.
redirectUrl: kIsWeb ? null : 'io.supabase.flutter://reset-callback/',
onSuccess: (Session response) {
// do something, for example: navigate('home');
onError: (error) {
// do something, for example: navigate("wait_for_email");
Reset password
Use SupaResetPassword
to create a password reset form.
accessToken: supabase.auth.currentSession?.accessToken,
onSuccess: (UserResponse response) {
// do something, for example: navigate('home');
onError: (error) {
// do something, for example: navigate("wait_for_email");
Social Auth
Use SupaSocialsAuth
to create list of social login buttons. You need to setup deep links in your app to use social auth. Learn more about deep links on the supabase_flutter README.
socialProviders: [
colored: true,
redirectUrl: kIsWeb
? null
: 'io.supabase.flutter://reset-callback/',
onSuccess: (Session response) {
// do something, for example: navigate('home');
onError: (error) {
// do something, for example: navigate("wait_for_email");
This library uses bare Flutter components so that you can control the appearance of the components using your own theme. See theme example in example/lib/sign_in.dart