stream method

SupabaseStreamFilterBuilder stream({
  1. required List<String> primaryKey,

Returns real-time data from your table as a Stream.

Realtime is disabled by default for new tables. You can turn it on by managing replication.

Pass the list of primary key column names to primaryKey, which will be used to updating and deleting the proper records internally as the library receives real-time updates.

supabase.from('chats').stream(primaryKey: ['id']).listen(_onChatsReceived);

eq, neq, lt, lte, gt or gte and order, limit filter are available to limit the data being queried.

supabase.from('chats').stream(primaryKey: ['id']).eq('room_id','123').order('created_at').limit(20).listen(_onChatsReceived);


SupabaseStreamFilterBuilder stream({required List<String> primaryKey}) {
  assert(primaryKey.isNotEmpty, 'Please specify primary key column(s).');
  return SupabaseStreamFilterBuilder(
    queryBuilder: this,
    realtimeClient: _realtime,
    realtimeTopic: '$_schema:$_table:$_incrementId',
    schema: _schema,
    table: _table,
    primaryKey: primaryKey,