signInWithOtp method

Future<void> signInWithOtp({
  1. String? email,
  2. String? phone,
  3. String? emailRedirectTo,
  4. bool? shouldCreateUser,
  5. Map<String, dynamic>? data,
  6. String? captchaToken,
  7. OtpChannel channel = OtpChannel.sms,

Log in a user using magiclink or a one-time password (OTP).

If the {{ .ConfirmationURL }} variable is specified in the email template, a magiclink will be sent.

If the {{ .Token }} variable is specified in the email template, an OTP will be sent.

If you're using phone sign-ins, only an OTP will be sent. You won't be able to send a magiclink for phone sign-ins.

If shouldCreateUser is set to false, this method will not create a new user. Defaults to true.

emailRedirectTo can be used to specify the redirect URL embedded in the email link

data can be used to set the user's metadata, which maps to the auth.users.user_metadata column.

captchaToken Verification token received when the user completes the captcha on the site.

channel Messaging channel to use (e.g. whatsapp or sms)


Future<void> signInWithOtp({
  String? email,
  String? phone,
  String? emailRedirectTo,
  bool? shouldCreateUser,
  Map<String, dynamic>? data,
  String? captchaToken,
  OtpChannel channel = OtpChannel.sms,
}) async {
  if (email != null) {
    String? codeChallenge;
    if (_flowType == AuthFlowType.pkce) {
      assert(_asyncStorage != null,
          'You need to provide asyncStorage to perform pkce flow.');
      final codeVerifier = generatePKCEVerifier();
      await _asyncStorage!.setItem(
          key: '${Constants.defaultStorageKey}-code-verifier',
          value: codeVerifier);
      codeChallenge = generatePKCEChallenge(codeVerifier);
    await _fetch.request(
      options: GotrueRequestOptions(
        headers: _headers,
        redirectTo: emailRedirectTo,
        body: {
          'email': email,
          'data': data ?? {},
          'create_user': shouldCreateUser ?? true,
          'gotrue_meta_security': {'captcha_token': captchaToken},
          'code_challenge': codeChallenge,
          'code_challenge_method': codeChallenge != null ? 's256' : null,
  if (phone != null) {
    final body = {
      'phone': phone,
      'data': data ?? {},
      'create_user': shouldCreateUser ?? true,
      'gotrue_meta_security': {'captcha_token': captchaToken},
    final fetchOptions = GotrueRequestOptions(headers: _headers, body: body);

    await _fetch.request(
      options: fetchOptions,
  throw AuthException(
    'You must provide either an email, phone number, a third-party provider or OpenID Connect.',