initialize static method

Future<void> initialize({
  1. required SupabaseClient client,
  2. String? authPersistencePath,
  3. String? appVersion,

Initialize the Supabase Addons

It automatically defines the Auth Persistent Storage location and the App Version (used by analytics), if not provided.


static Future<void> initialize({
  required SupabaseClient client,
  String? authPersistencePath,
  String? appVersion,
}) async {

  // The documents directory is where the user auth information is going
  // to be stored
  final persistencePath = authPersistencePath ??
      await () async {
        final documentsDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
        return '${documentsDir.path}/auth';

  // Get the current app info. This is used by analytics to determine the
  // current app version
  final version = appVersion ?? (await PackageInfo.fromPlatform()).version;

  return SupabaseAddons.initialize(
    client: client,
    authPersistencePath: persistencePath,
    appVersion: version,