wfts method

  1. @Deprecated('Use `textSearch()` instead.')
PostgrestFilterBuilder wfts(
  1. String column,
  2. String query, {
  3. String? config,

Finds all rows whose tsvector value on the stated column matches websearch_to_tsquery(query).

options can contain config key which is text search configuration to use.

postgrest.from('users').select().wfts('catchphrase', "'fat' & 'cat'", config: 'english')


@Deprecated('Use `textSearch()` instead.')
PostgrestFilterBuilder wfts(String column, String query, {String? config}) {
  final configPart = config == null ? '' : '($config)';
  appendSearchParams(column, 'wfts$configPart.$query');
  return this;