blocs/blocs library
- AppUserSwitchEmailEvent
- AppUserSwitchNotificationEvent
- AuthenticationBloc
- AuthenticationErrorEvent
- AuthenticationErrorState
- AuthenticationEvent
- Abstract base class for all authentication events.
- AuthenticationInitializeEvent
- AuthenticationInitialState
- AuthenticationLogoutState
- AuthenticationProcessingEvent
- AuthenticationProcessingState
- AuthenticationState
- CaptureException
- Event triggered when an exception is captured.
- DidReceivedNotificationEvent
- Push notification event when a notification is received
- DidResetNotificationEvent
- Push notification event when the user reset the app
- DidUserOpenedNotificationEvent
- Push notification event when the user opened the app
- ErrorCaptured
- Abstract base class for all error handling states.
- ErrorHandlingBloc
- Bloc that handles error capturing and reporting to Firebase Crashlytics and Sentry.
- ErrorHandlingEvent
- Abstract base class for all error handling events.
- ErrorHandlingFailed
- Abstract base class for all error handling states.
- ErrorHandlingInitial
- Abstract base class for all error handling events.
- ErrorHandlingInitialized
- Abstract base class for all error handling states.
- ErrorHandlingState
- Abstract base class for all error handling states.
- InitializeErrorHandling
- Event triggered when the application is initialized.
- InitializeWithSavedAuthenticationEvent
- LoginWithAppleEvent
- LoginWithGoogleEvent
- LoginWithMicrosoftEvent
- LoginWithMultipleTenantsEvent
- LoginWithPasswordEvent
- LoginWithSavedLoginEvent
- LoginWithSelectedTenantEvent
- PushNotificationBloc
- Push notification BLoC for handling push notifications.
- PushNotificationEvent
- Push notification event
- PushNotificationInitial
- Push notification initial state
- PushNotificationOpened
- Push notification opened state
- PushNotificationPayload
- Push notification payload
- PushNotificationReceived
- Push notification received state
- PushNotificationState
- Push notification state
- TenantBloc
- A BLoC (Business Logic Component) class for managing tenant state.
- TenantEvent
- Abstract class representing tenant-related events.
- TenantInitial
- Represents the initial state of the tenant management.
- TenantInitialEvent
- Event to initialize the tenant state.
- TenantLoaded
- Represents the state when tenants have been loaded.
- TenantLoadedEvent
- Event to indicate that tenants have been loaded.
- TenantLoading
- Represents the state when tenant data is being loaded.
- TenantLoadingEvent
- Event to trigger tenant loading state.
- TenantState
- An abstract class representing the states of tenant management.
- UpdateAppUserProfileEvent
- UserAuthenticatedState
- UserAuthenticatedWithMultipleTenantsState
- UserAuthenticatedWithSelectedTenantState
- UserLogoutEvent
- AuthenticationAction
- Enumeration of authentication statuses.