tap method
Taps into this stream to allow additional handling on a single-subscriber stream without first wrapping as a broadcast stream.
The onValue
callback will be called with every value from this stream
before it is forwarded to listeners on the resulting stream.
May be null if only onError
or onDone
callbacks are needed.
The onError
callback will be called with every error from this stream
before it is forwarded to listeners on the resulting stream.
The onDone
callback will be called after this stream closes and before
the resulting stream is closed.
Errors from any of the callbacks are caught and ignored.
The callbacks may not be called until the tapped stream has a listener, and may not be called after the listener has canceled the subscription.
Stream<T> tap(void Function(T)? onValue,
{void Function(Object, StackTrace)? onError,
void Function()? onDone}) =>
transformByHandlers(onData: (value, sink) {
try {
} catch (_) {/*Ignore*/}
}, onError: (error, stackTrace, sink) {
try {
onError?.call(error, stackTrace);
} catch (_) {/*Ignore*/}
sink.addError(error, stackTrace);
}, onDone: (sink) {
try {
} catch (_) {/*Ignore*/}