MacosWindowScope constructor

const MacosWindowScope({
  1. Key? key,
  2. required BoxConstraints constraints,
  3. required Widget child,
  4. required bool isSidebarShown,
  5. required VoidCallback sidebarToggler,

Creates a widget that manages the layout of the MacosWindow.

ResizablePane and ContentArea are other widgets that depend on the MacosWindowScope for layout.

The constraints, contentAreaWidth, child, valueNotifier and _scaffoldState arguments are required and must not be null.


const MacosWindowScope({
  Key? key,
  required this.constraints,
  required Widget child,
  required this.isSidebarShown,
  required VoidCallback sidebarToggler,
})  : _sidebarToggler = sidebarToggler,
      super(key: key, child: child);