doAttemptLogin method
Future<AuthResponse> doAttemptLogin(BuildContext context, {credentials}) async {
try {
try {
final String nonce = uuid();
final shaOfNonce = crypto.sha256.convert(utf8.encode(nonce)).toString().replaceAll("-", '');
if (infoX.isIOS || infoX.isMacOS) {
final credential = await SignInWithApple.getAppleIDCredential(scopes: [,
], nonce: shaOfNonce);
final oauthCred = oAuthProvider.credential(
idToken: credential.identityToken,
accessToken: credential.authorizationCode,
rawNonce: nonce,
/// Apple only allows one access with the token, so don't do anything with
/// the token before sending it to Firebase
return AuthResponse.success(oauthCred);
} else {
// ignore: unused_local_variable
WebAuthenticationOptions? webOptions;
try {
final creds = ThirdPartyCreds.appleSignIn.credentials;
webOptions = WebAuthenticationOptions(
clientId: creds.clientId!,
redirectUri: creds.redirectUrl!.toUri()!,
} catch (e) {
// var oAuthProvider = fb.OAuthProvider("")
// ..addScope('email')
// ..addScope('name')
// ..setCustomParameters({
// 'client_id': webOptions!.clientId,
// 'redirect_uri': webOptions.redirectUri.toString(),
// 'scope': 'email name',
// // Request `code`, which is also what `ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential.authorizationCode` contains.
// // So the same handling can be used for Apple and 3rd party platforms
// 'response_type': 'code id_token',
// 'response_mode': 'form_post',
// 'nonce': shaOfNonce,
// });
final cred = await fb.FirebaseAuth.instance.signInWithPopup(oAuthProvider);
var ocred = cred.credential as fb.OAuthCredential;
return AuthResponse.success(ocred);
// final oauthCred = oAuthProvider.credential(
// idToken: cred.credential.identityToken,
// accessToken: credential.authorizationCode,
// rawNonce: nonce,
// );
} catch (e, stack) {
_log.severe("Error from server: $e", e, stack);
return AuthResponse.error(e);
} catch (e, stack) {
_log.severe("Error from server: $e", e, stack);
return AuthResponse.error("There was an error logging you in");