acceptProperties method

  1. @override
Iterable<HandledPaths> acceptProperties(
  1. JsonPath? basePath,
  2. IMSchemaDefinition definition,
  3. Map<JsonPath, IMSchemaProperty> available

Examines a form, and returns a list of properties that this handler is capable of dealing with, grouped together in HandledPaths. Each of these field clusters will be passed back to the handler during rendering


Iterable<HandledPaths> acceptProperties(
    JsonPath? basePath,
    IMSchemaDefinition definition,
    Map<JsonPath, IMSchemaProperty> available) {
  return available
      .filterEntries((k, v) => v.baseCode == Definitions.range.baseCode)
      .mapEntries((k, v) => HandledPaths.ofProperty(v, basePath!, this));