combined<R, O> method
Combines another stream.
ValueStream<R> combined<R, O>(ValueStream<O> other, R combiner(T? self, O? other)) {
final startCombined = this.get().thenOrNull((first) {
return other.get().thenOrNull((otherFirst) {
return combiner(first, otherFirst);
final _self = get().futureValue().asStream().combine(after);
final Stream<O> _other = other.get().futureValue().asStream().whereType<O>().combine(other.after);
/// THe combine transformation requires both stream to publish at least once, so we'll force the current value
/// to be republished.
return ValueStream<R>.of(startCombined.unbox(), _self.combineLatest(_other, combiner));