printTable static method

Future<void> printTable({
  1. List<String>? texts,
  2. List<int> widths = const [1, 1],
  3. List<int> alignments = const [0, 2],

Print texts as a table. texts can be sent as a array. Column width ratio can be set as widths array. The default is 1,1 Text alignment can be set as alignment array.


static Future<void> printTable({
  List<String>? texts,
  List<int> widths = const [1, 1],
  List<int> alignments = const [0, 2],
}) async {
  await _channel.invokeMethod('printTable', <String, dynamic>{
    'texts': texts,
    "widths": Int32List.fromList(widths),
    "alignments": Int32List.fromList(alignments),