getImageFromAsset static method

Future<Uint8List> getImageFromAsset(
  1. String iconPath

Loads an image from the asset and returns its bytes as a Uint8List.

This method is used to fetch image data (binary format) from the app's assets. It converts the image into a Uint8List which is the format required for processing or printing on devices like the Sunmi printer.

iconPath is the path to the asset file in your project (e.g., 'assets/images/icon.png').

Returns a Future that resolves to the image data as Uint8List.

Throws an exception if the image cannot be loaded from the asset.


static Future<Uint8List> getImageFromAsset(String iconPath) async {
  try {
    // Call the private method to read the bytes from the asset file.
    return await _readFileBytes(iconPath);
  } catch (e) {
    // If there's an error, throw an exception with a message including the asset path.
    // This helps identify what went wrong during the loading process.
    throw Exception('Failed to load image from asset: $iconPath. Error: $e');