getPath function

String getPath(
  1. BuildContext context

Returns the widget hierarchy path of the given context.

This function traverses the ancestor elements of the given context and constructs a string representing the widget hierarchy path.

The context parameter must be a BuildContext from which the widget hierarchy path will be derived.


String path = getPath(context);
print(path); // Output: "MyApp/Scaffold/Column/Text/"

context: The BuildContext from which to derive the widget hierarchy path.


String getPath(BuildContext context) {
  final element = context as Element;
  String path = '';

  /// Visits the ancestor elements of the given [element] and constructs
  /// the widget hierarchy path.
  /// The [ancestor] parameter represents each ancestor element visited.
  /// The widget type of each ancestor is appended to the [path] string.
  element.visitAncestorElements((ancestor) {
    path = '${ancestor.widget.runtimeType}/$path';
    return true;

  return path;