changeGlobals function
Changes the global settings stored in SundayGetStorage.
This function reads the current global settings from storage, navigates through the JSON object using the provided key, updates the value at the specified key, and then writes the updated settings back to storage.
The key should be a dot-separated string representing the path to the value in the JSON object. For example, 'settings.theme.color'.
If the key is invalid (i.e., the path does not exist in the JSON object), the function will print an error message and return without making any changes.
Args: key (String): The dot-separated key representing the path to the value. value (dynamic): The new value to set at the specified key.
Returns: Future
Future<void> changeGlobals(String key, dynamic value) async {
final box = GetStorage();
var globals = await'sunday_platform:globals');
// Split the key into parts
List<String> keyParts = key.split('.');
// Navigate through the JSON object and update the value
dynamic currentValue = globals;
for (int i = 0; i < keyParts.length - 1; i++) {
String part = keyParts[i];
if (currentValue is Map && currentValue.containsKey(part)) {
if (i == keyParts.length - 2) {
// We're at the parent of the target key, update the value
currentValue[keyParts.last] = value;
} else {
currentValue = currentValue[part];
} else {
sundayPrint('Invalid path: $key');
// Save the updated globals back to storage
await box.write('sunday_platform:globals', globals);
sundayPrint('Updated value for key: $key');