messageSchema function

Map<String, dynamic> messageSchema({
  1. required String content,
  2. required String autoMessageId,
  3. required bool isSender,
  4. required List<Map<String, dynamic>> reaction,
  5. required bool distributed,
  6. required bool seen,
  7. List<Map<String, String>>? attachments,

Represents the schema for a message in the conversation.

This function creates a standardized structure for messages, including content, metadata, and optional attachments.

content The main text content of the message. autoMessageId A unique identifier for automatic messages. isSender Indicates whether the current user is the sender of this message. reaction A list of reactions to this message. distributed Indicates whether the message has been distributed. seen Indicates whether the message has been seen by the recipient. attachments Optional list of attachments associated with the message.

Returns a Map<String, dynamic> representing the message structure.


Map<String, dynamic> messageSchema({
  required String content,
  required String autoMessageId,
  required bool isSender,
  required List<Map<String, dynamic>> reaction,
  required bool distributed,
  required bool seen,
  List<Map<String, String>>? attachments,
}) {
  // Get current timestamp and convert to ISO string immediately to avoid DateTime serialization issues
  // final String timestamp =;

  return {
    'content': content,
    'messageId': const Uuid().v4(),
    'isSender': isSender,
    // 'timestamp': timestamp,
    'reaction': reaction,
    'distributed': distributed,
    'seen': seen,
    'attachments': attachments ?? [],