asyncEditMessage function
Edits a specific message in a conversation.
This function allows for the modification of a single key-value pair in a message within a specified conversation.
: The unique identifier for the conversation.messageId
: The unique identifier for the message to be edited.key
: The key of the field to be edited in the message.value
: The new value to be set for the specified key.
Throws an Exception if the message is not found or if there's an error during the editing process.
Future<void> asyncEditMessage({
required String conversationUUID,
required String messageId,
required String key,
required dynamic value,
}) async {
try {
// Initialize GetStorage
final box = GetStorage();
// Get the existing messages for the conversation
var messages ='sunday-message-conversation-$conversationUUID') ?? [];
// Convert messages to List to ensure list operations are available
messages = (messages as List).toList();
// Find the index of the message to edit
final indexToEdit = messages.indexWhere(
(message) => message['messageId'] == messageId,
if (indexToEdit == -1) {
throw Exception('Message not found');
// Edit the specified key-value pair in the message
messages[indexToEdit][key] = value;
// Update the 'updatedAt' timestamp
messages[indexToEdit]['updatedAt'] =;
// Write the updated messages back to storage
await box.write('sunday-message-conversation-$conversationUUID', messages);
/// Logs the successful edit operation
'Message with ID \'$messageId\' edited in conversation: $conversationUUID');
} catch (e) {
/// Logs any errors that occur during the edit process
sundayPrint('Error editing message: $e');
throw Exception('Error editing message');