asyncAddNewMessage function

Future<void> asyncAddNewMessage({
  1. required String conversationUUID,
  2. required String content,
  3. required bool isSender,
  4. required List<Map<String, dynamic>> reaction,
  5. List<Map<String, String>>? attachments,

Adds a new message to a conversation.

This function creates a new message using the provided parameters and adds it to the specified conversation in storage.


  • conversationUUID: The unique identifier for the conversation.
  • content: The text content of the message.
  • isSender: A boolean indicating whether the current user is the sender.
  • reaction: A list of reactions associated with the message.
  • attachments: An optional list of attachments for the message.

Throws an Exception if there's an error adding the new message.


Future<void> asyncAddNewMessage({
  required String conversationUUID,
  required String content,
  required bool isSender,
  required List<Map<String, dynamic>> reaction,
  List<Map<String, String>>? attachments,
}) async {
  try {
    /// Initialize GetStorage for data persistence
    final box = GetStorage();

    /// Create a new message using the message schema
    var newMessage = messageSchema(
      content: content,
      autoMessageId: 'automessageid:new-message',
      isSender: isSender,
      reaction: reaction,
      distributed: true,
      seen: false,
      attachments: attachments,

    /// Retrieve existing messages for the conversation
    var messages ='sunday-message-conversation-$conversationUUID') ?? [];

    var newMessages = messages;


    /// Add the new message to the list of messages

    /// Persist the updated messages back to storage
    await box.write('sunday-message-conversation-$conversationUUID', newMessages);

    /// Log the successful addition of the new message
    sundayPrint('New message added to conversation: $conversationUUID');
  } catch (e) {
    /// Log the error and throw an exception if adding the message fails
    sundayPrint('Error adding new message: $e');