asyncStreamConversation function
Streams messages from a specific conversation.
This function creates a stream of messages for a given conversation, identified by its UUID. It listens to changes in the local storage and emits messages as they are updated.
: The unique identifier of the conversation to stream.
Returns: A Stream<dynamic> that emits messages from the specified conversation. If no messages are found or an error occurs, it returns an empty stream.
Stream<dynamic> asyncStreamConversation(String conversationUUID) {
/// Initialize the storage box for accessing conversation data.
final box = GetStorage();
/// Construct the key for accessing the specific conversation's messages.
final key = 'sunday-message-conversation-$conversationUUID';
/// Create and return a stream of messages.
final controller = StreamController<dynamic>();
box.listenKey(key, (value) {
if (value != null) {
/// If messages exist, add them to the stream
if (value is Iterable) {
for (var message in value) {
} else {
/// Log a message if no messages are found for the conversation.
sundayPrint('No messages found for conversation: $conversationUUID');
return error) {
/// Log any errors that occur during the streaming process.
sundayPrint('Error streaming conversation: $error');