asyncGetConversationProperties function

Map<String, dynamic> asyncGetConversationProperties(
  1. String conversationUUID

Gets the properties of a conversation.

This function retrieves the properties of a conversation identified by its UUID.


  • conversationUUID: The unique identifier of the conversation to get the properties of.

Returns a Map<String, dynamic> containing the conversation properties. Throws an Exception if the conversation is not found or if there's an error during the retrieval process.


Map<String, dynamic> asyncGetConversationProperties(String conversationUUID) {
  try {
    /// Initialize GetStorage for data persistence
    final box = GetStorage();

    /// Retrieve the list of conversations from storage
    List<dynamic> rawList =<List<dynamic>>('sunday-message-conversations') ?? <dynamic>[];

    /// Ensure type safety by casting the list to List<Map<String, dynamic>>
    List<Map<String, dynamic>> conversationsList = List<Map<String, dynamic>>.from(rawList);

    /// Find the index of the conversation to get the properties of
    int conversationIndex = conversationsList.indexWhere(
      (Map<String, dynamic> conv) => conv['uuid'] == conversationUUID,

    /// Throw an exception if the conversation is not found
    if (conversationIndex == -1) {
      throw Exception('Conversation not found');

    /// Log the successful retrieval
        'Properties retrieved for conversation with UUID \'$conversationUUID\'');

    /// Return the properties of the conversation
    return Map<String, dynamic>.from(conversationsList[conversationIndex]);
  } catch (e) {
    /// Log the error and throw an exception if retrieving the properties fails
    sundayPrint('Error getting conversation properties: $e');
    throw Exception('Error getting conversation properties');