asyncDeleteConversation function

Future<void> asyncDeleteConversation({
  1. required String conversationUUID,

Deletes a conversation from storage based on its UUID.

This function removes the specified conversation from the list of conversations and deletes its associated messages from storage.

conversationUUID The unique identifier of the conversation to be deleted.

Throws an Exception if the conversation is not found or if there's an error during deletion.


Future<void> asyncDeleteConversation({required String conversationUUID}) async {
  try {
    // Initialize GetStorage
    final box = GetStorage();

    // Get conversations list
    List<Map<String, dynamic>> conversationsList =<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>('sunday-message-conversations') ?? [];

    // Ensure each item in the list is a Map<String, dynamic>
    conversationsList = List<Map<String, dynamic>>.from(conversationsList);

    /// Finds the conversation to delete based on the provided UUID.
    /// Returns null if no matching conversation is found.
    Map<String, dynamic>? conversationToDelete = conversationsList.firstWhere(
      (Map<String, dynamic> conv) => conv['uuid'] == conversationUUID,
      orElse: () => <String, dynamic>{},

    if (conversationToDelete.isEmpty) {
      throw Exception('Conversation not found');

    // Remove the conversation from the list
    conversationsList.removeWhere((Map<String, dynamic> conv) => conv['uuid'] == conversationUUID);

    // Write updated conversations list
    await box.write('sunday-message-conversations', conversationsList);

    // Delete the conversation messages
    String conversationName = conversationToDelete['name'] as String;
    await box.remove('sunday-message-conversation-$conversationName');

        'Conversation with UUID \'$conversationUUID\' deleted successfully');
  } catch (e) {
    sundayPrint('Error deleting conversation: $e');
    throw Exception('Error deleting conversation');