asyncCreateNewConversation function

String asyncCreateNewConversation({
  1. required String conversationName,
  2. required String userId,
  3. required String description,
  4. required String groupName,
  5. required String firstMessage,

Creates a new conversation and stores it in local storage.

This function creates a new conversation with the provided details, initializes it with a welcome message, and stores it in the local storage.


  • conversationName: The name of the new conversation.
  • userId: The unique identifier of the user creating the conversation.
  • description: A brief description of the conversation.
  • groupName: The name of the group (if applicable).
  • firstMessage: The first message of the conversation. Returns:
  • String The UUID of the created conversation.

Throws an Exception if there's an error writing to GetStorage.


String asyncCreateNewConversation({
  required String conversationName,
  required String userId,
  required String description,
  required String groupName,
  required String firstMessage,
}) {
  /// Initialize GetStorage for data persistence
  GetStorage box = GetStorage();

  /// Generate a unique identifier for the new conversation
  String conversationUUID = const Uuid().v4();

  /// Initialize the conversation with a welcome message
  var messageConv = [messageSchema(
      content: firstMessage,
      autoMessageId: 'automessageid:conversation-start',
      isSender: true,
      reaction: [],
      distributed: true,
      seen: true)];

  /// Retrieve existing conversations list or initialize an empty list
  var conversationsList ='sunday-message-conversations') ?? [];

  /// Define the new conversation using the conversation schema
  var conv = conversationSchema(
      name: conversationName,
      description: description,
      userUuid: userId,
      notes: '',
      messagesPerBox: 25,
      isGroup: false,
      conversationUUID: conversationUUID.toString());

  /// Add the new conversation to the list

  /// Persist the updated data to storage
  try {
    /// Write the updated conversations list
    box.write('sunday-message-conversations', conversationsList);

    /// Write the new conversation's initial message
        'sunday-message-conversation-$conversationUUID', messageConv);
  } catch (e) {
    /// Log the error for debugging purposes
    sundayPrint('Error writing to GetStorage: $e');

    /// Propagate the error to the caller
    throw Exception('Error writing to GetStorage');

  /// Debug statements to verify data persistence

  return conversationUUID;