asyncDeleteMessage function

Future<void> asyncDeleteMessage({
  1. required String conversationUUID,
  2. required String messageId,

Deletes a specific message from a conversation.

This function removes a message identified by messageId from the conversation specified by conversationUUID. It uses local storage to manage the messages.


  • conversationUUID: The unique identifier of the conversation.
  • messageId: The unique identifier of the message to be deleted.

Throws an Exception if the message is not found or if there's an error during deletion.


Future<void> asyncDeleteMessage({
  required String conversationUUID,
  required String messageId,
}) async {
  try {
    // Initialize GetStorage
    final box = GetStorage();

    /// Retrieves existing messages for the conversation from local storage.
    /// Returns an empty list if no messages are found.
    List<Map<String, dynamic>> messages =<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>('sunday-message-conversation-$conversationUUID') ?? <Map<String, dynamic>>[];

    /// Ensures that each item in the messages list is of type Map<String, dynamic>.
    /// This step is crucial for type safety and proper data handling.
    messages = List<Map<String, dynamic>>.from(messages as Iterable);

    /// Finds the index of the message to be deleted.
    /// Returns -1 if the message is not found.
    final indexToDelete = messages.indexWhere(
      (Map<String, dynamic> message) => message['messageId'] == messageId,

    if (indexToDelete == -1) {
      throw Exception('Message not found');

    /// Removes the message from the list at the found index.

    /// Writes the updated messages back to local storage.
    await box.write('sunday-message-conversation-$conversationUUID', messages);

    /// Logs a success message with the deleted message's ID and conversation UUID.
        'Message with ID \'$messageId\' deleted from conversation: $conversationUUID');
  } catch (e) {
    /// Logs the error and rethrows an exception with a generic error message.
    sundayPrint('Error deleting message: $e');
    throw Exception('Error deleting message');