getGasCostEstimation<T> method

Future<int> getGasCostEstimation<T>(
  1. T tx, [
  2. String? signerAddress

Returns the estimated gas cost for the transaction, throw whens fails to estimate the gas cost.


Future<int> getGasCostEstimation<T>(T tx, [String? signerAddress]) async {
  try {
    if (signerAddress == null || signerAddress.isEmpty) {
      getAddress(); // check signer address not null
  } catch (e) {
    throw ArgumentError.notNull("signerAddress");

  final txEffects = await dryRunTransaction(tx, signerAddress: signerAddress);
  if (txEffects.effects.status.status == ExecutionStatusType.failure) {
    throw ArgumentError(txEffects.effects.status.error);
  final gasUsed = txEffects.effects.gasUsed;
  final gasEstimation = gasUsed.computationCost + gasUsed.storageCost;
  return gasEstimation;