MultiSigPublicKey constructor

  1. MultiSigPublicKeyStruct value


MultiSigPublicKey(MultiSigPublicKeyStruct value) {
  _multisigPublicKey = value;
  _rawBytes = bcs.ser("MultiSigPublicKey", value).toBytes();

  if (_multisigPublicKey.threshold < 1) {
    throw ArgumentError("Invalid threshold");

  final seenPublicKeys = <String>{};

  publicKeys = {
    final scheme = e.pubKey.keys.first;
    final bytes = e.pubKey[scheme].cast<int>();
    final publicKeyStr = Uint8List.fromList(bytes).toString();

			if (seenPublicKeys.contains(publicKeyStr)) {
				throw ArgumentError("Multisig does not support duplicate public keys");

    if (e.weight < 1) {
      throw ArgumentError("Invalid weight");
    return PublicKeyWeight(e.weight, publicKeyFromRawBytes(scheme, Uint8List.fromList(bytes)));

  final totalWeight = publicKeys.isEmpty ? 0 : => p.weight).reduce((x, y) => x + y);

  if (_multisigPublicKey.threshold > totalWeight) {
    throw ArgumentError("Unreachable threshold");

  if (publicKeys.length > MAX_SIGNER_IN_MULTISIG) {
    throw ArgumentError("Max number of signers in a multisig is $MAX_SIGNER_IN_MULTISIG");

		if (publicKeys.length < MIN_SIGNER_IN_MULTISIG) {
			throw ArgumentError("Min number of signers in a multisig is $MIN_SIGNER_IN_MULTISIG");
