isValidBIP32Path function

bool isValidBIP32Path(
  1. String path

Parse and validate a path that is compliant to BIP-32 in form m/54'/784'/{account_index}'/{change_index}/{address_index} for Secp256k1 and m/74'/784'/{account_index}'/{change_index}/{address_index} for Secp256r1.

Note that the purpose for Secp256k1 is registered as 54, to differentiate from Ed25519 with purpose 44. @param path path string (e.g. m/54'/784'/0'/0/0).


bool isValidBIP32Path(String path) {
  if (!RegExp(r"^m/(54|74)'/784'/[0-9]+'/[0-9]+/[0-9]+$").hasMatch(path)) {
    return false;
  return true;