deriveKeypair static method

Ed25519Keypair deriveKeypair(
  1. String path,
  2. String mnemonics

Derive Ed25519 keypair from mnemonics and path. The mnemonics must be normalized and validated against the english wordlist.

If path is none, it will default to m/44'/784'/0'/0'/0', otherwise the path must be compliant to SLIP-0010 in form m/44'/784'/{account_index}'/{change_index}'/{address_index}'.


static Ed25519Keypair deriveKeypair(String path, String mnemonics) {

  if (!isValidHardenedPath(path)) {
    throw ArgumentError('Invalid derivation path');

  final normalizeMnemonics = mnemonics
    .map((part) => part.toLowerCase())
    .join(" ");

  if(!isValidMnemonics(mnemonics)) {
    throw ArgumentError('Invalid mnemonics');

  final key = ed25519HDKey.derivePath(path, mnemonicToSeedHex(normalizeMnemonics)).key!;
  final pubkey = ed25519HDKey.getPublicKey(key, false);

  final fullPrivateKey = Uint8List(64);
  fullPrivateKey.setAll(0, key);
  fullPrivateKey.setAll(32, pubkey);

  return Ed25519Keypair(Uint8List.fromList(fullPrivateKey));