nextBoundedDouble method
Generates a random double in the range, [min] <= value < [max]
The generated double is not guaranteed to be uniformly distributed.
Throws RangeError if:
is infinitemax
is infinitemin
- the resultant range is NaN
- the resultant range is infinite
Random().nextDouble(1.1, 1.3); // -1 <= value < 3
Random().nextBoundedInt(3.0, 3.0) // throws RangeError
Random().nextBoundedInt(-double.maxFinite, double.maxFinite) // throws RangeError
Implementation details
This function scales the result of nextDouble. If the given range is sufficiently larger than [0.0 - 1.0)
certain doubles in the given range will never be returned, Pigeonhole Principle.
@useResult double nextBoundedDouble(double min, double max) {
_check(min, max);
return nextDouble() * (max - min) + min;