sum<R extends num> method

  1. @useResult
R sum<R extends num>(
  1. Select<E, num> select, {
  2. R? initial,

Computes the sum of all values. Values are created from this iterable's elements using select.

The initial value is 0 if unspecified. Returns double.nan if select returns double.nan.


final list = [('a', 2), ('b', 3), ('c', 4)];
list.sum((e) => e.$2, initial: 1); // 10

Implementation details

Computing values is assumed to be cheap. Hence, values are recomputed each time rather than cached.


@useResult R sum<R extends num>(Select<E, num> select, {R? initial}) {
  var sum = initial ?? 0;
  for (final element in this) {
    sum += select(element);

  // Dart is fucking stupid for not allowing implicit conversions between integers and doubles.
  return (R == int ? sum.toInt() : sum.toDouble()) as R;