Strings extension

Utilities for manipulating Strings.



isBlank bool
Returns true if this String is empty or contains only whitespaces.
no setter
isIdentifier bool
Returns true if this String is a valid Dart identifier.
no setter
isNotBlank bool
Returns true if this String is not empty and does not contain only whitespaces.
no setter


camelCase([Pattern? pattern]) String
Camel-cases this String with separations determined using the given pattern.
capitalize() String
Capitalizes this String.
equalsIgnoreCase(String other) bool
Determines this String and other are equal, ignoring capitalization.
matches(Pattern expression) bool
Determines if this String matches the given pattern.
pascalCase([Pattern? pattern]) String
Pascal-cases this String with separations determined using the given pattern.
snakeCase([Pattern? pattern]) String
Snake-cases this String with separations determined using the given pattern.