encodeTo method
Convert self to a slice and append it to the destination.
void encodeTo(Map<String, dynamic> value, Output output) {
assertion(value['version'] == 4,
'Unsupported extrinsic version, Expected 4 but got ${value['version']}');
assertion(value['calls'] != null, 'No calls found to encode.');
final ByteOutput tempOutput = ByteOutput();
int meta = 4;
if (value['signature'] != null) {
// 0b10000000 ~ 128 in BigInt
meta |= BigInt.from(128).toInt();
// Start encoding the signature
.encodeTo('ExtrinsicSignatureCodec', value['signature'], tempOutput);
chainInfo.scaleCodec.encodeTo('Call', value['calls'], tempOutput);
CompactCodec.codec.encodeTo(tempOutput.length + 1, output);